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A Year in Review 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio won his first Oscar this year for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the Academy Awards this year after 6 failed nominations. In his acceptance speech he was quick to thank all who had helped him there. “I have to thank everyone from the very onset of my career,” Leo stated, and continued on to thank Mr. Jones (the man who cast Leo in his first movie role), Mr. Scosese (taught him cinematic arts), and of course his parents.

Leo Wins an Oscar

Volunteers in India

On July 11, volunteers in India planted 49.3 million trees in just one day. The 800,000 workers that were reported crushed Pakistan’s world record from 2013, when they planted 847,275 trees. The volunteers planted 80 different kinds of trees along many different landscapes such as along roads, railways, and public lands.

Written By Faith Burling

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