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Lori Mullins - Sports Writer

New Year Resolution

I do not have a New Year’s Resolution. I believe there is no point in them, no one ever sticks with them and finish the year with the same resolution. Ok, ok  saying there is no point in them, is a bit harsh, but it got you to click through and before you get all upset, yes, I think resolutions are awesome. The issue is “New Year’s” resolutions. First off, take a look back at your personal track record. How successful have your resolutions been? Do you even remember your resolution from last year or has it been the same for like the past 10 years? Now of course some of you have had success and those of you who have practiced all the right methods necessary to form habits and change your lifestyle but I’m willing to guess you could have done that at other points in the year and New Year’s was arbitrary.  This is the reasons why making a resolution (most of this are geared toward those looking to lose fat, exercise or adopt a healthier lifestyle) on January 1st is stupid.

    Losing weight and getting fit and healthy are among the top five resolutions every year, even though most of winter’s great expectations wither by spring. “The New Year’s resolution is a kind of grand, glorified, long-term goal that people, for societal reasons, tend to begin on the first day of the calendar year,” said Gregory Chertok, a sports psychology consultant with the American College of Sports Medicine. Goals set because people feel they should make them tend to be pressure-filled, unrealistic and less likely to be accomplished, he says. If you can stay with a goal then go for it, if not then just do not make one.

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